The Transportation Department, under the direction of Dina Jareo is responsible for the safe operation of and the maintenance on the school district's fleet of school buses and other vehicles. The Transportation Office is located in the district's bus garage at the Guardino Elementary School. For questions, concerns or any other matters involving the district's transportation, please contact or by calling her at ext. 3502.
Dina Jareo
Transportation Supervisor
315.686.5578 x3502

Late Buses
TICSD provides late buses for the High School and Middle School. The High and Middle School late buses are run together: 3:40 & 5:45 PM. There are five buses on each shift. Late buses are for children staying beyond the regular school day for extra academic help, extra curricular activities, or sports related activities.
The buses are covering a very large district, and if there are a large number of students on board, the ride can be very long. Here are some things to keep in mind:
The 3:30 Buses do not actually leave the building until 3:40 & the 5:40's don't leave until 5:45.
The average ride time for these routes are 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
Here are some things you can do to help:
Ask your children to let you know if they plan to stay after school.
Ask which bus schedule they are riding (3:40's or 5:40's).
Let them know you expect them to come straight home! Some students have gone home with friends instead of coming home. The driver does not have a "roster" of children and may not know where your child lives; therefore, he/she must rely on your child to let them know.
Discipline Procedures
Bus safety and student discipline is a continual concern of your school district. Responsibility for the conduct of students while they are waiting for the bus rests with the parents. When the student boards the bus, the school district assumes responsibility until the child leaves the bus at the end of the day.
Bus drivers will make every effort to see that the children behave on the bus. When a behavior incident arises, the driver will attempt to handle the problem. In the event the driver cannot correct the situation, the discipline problem will be reported to the building principal. When necessary, the parent will be involved. In certain situations where the child will not behave on the bus, it may be necessary for the child to be denied the privilege of riding the bus and the parent will be responsible for transporting the child to school. We hope this type of situation will be held to a bare minimum.
Bus Passes
Children wishing to ride home on other than their regular bus must have a signed note from their parents stating the time, date and destination. Passes are issued at the respective school offices. The student presents this pass to the bus driver.
Should you need to pick your child up from school at the end of the day, please contact the school your child attends to receive the procedures designed to assist parents. If the procedures are followed no conflict shall occur with bus loading or school dismissal operations.
Transportation to Non-Public Schools
State Education Law sets April 1st as the deadline for written applications from parents or guardians who wish their children to be transported to non-public buildings. Families who move into the district after April 1st deadline may file requests within 30 days of their move into the district. Proper application forms are available at non-public schools. Home to school pupil transportation is provided up to a maximum of 15 miles distance as measured from the student's residence to such point if they desire to be transported to a non-public school. Transportation to the central pick-up point is the responsibility of the student's parents.
Requests may be filed with and questions directed to the Transportation Supervisor at 315.686.5523
Dina Jareo - Transportation Supervisor
Phone: 315.686.5523
Jessica Thompson - Transportation Secretary
Phone: 315.686.5523
Phone Contacts
Please follow the guidelines below when contacting the transportation about your concerns:
- My child's bus is late this morning ~ Please call 315.686.5523
- My child is late getting home ~ Please call 315.686.5523
- I am moving into a new home or my child needs to go to a babysitter ~ call your child's school as listed below.
School Phone Numbers
- Cape Vincent Elementary School 315.654.4599
- Guardino Elementary School 315.686.5578
- Middle School 315.686.5578
- High School 315.686.5594